椎名林檎 Ringo Shiina

Welcome to the new (c. 10/2012) home for my translations of Japanese music artist Ringo Shiina’s lyrics, fan club newsletters, interviews, and news. Translations for the songs she released as part of Tokyo Jihen are also here. Only translations are provided, no Japanese kanji or romaji lyrics. To discourage theft and re-posting elsewhere, which is not desired, the translations are posted in image form.

This section is currently incomplete but I am now in progress on posting brand-new translations and information starting from the beginning of Ringo’s catalogue of work! There should be updates at least monthly, if not biweekly or weekly, so please check back!

Please navigate from the left sidebar of the main page and click on single/album titles in order to search more specifically. You can also use the Ringo Shiina category tag to navigate, but the songs will be out of order. On the left sidebar of the main page, under her category, you’ll find a list of tags with names of her singles and albums, as well as Tokyo Jihen’s singles and albums. You may also view all lyric translations, view only interview translations, view only fan club newsletter translations, and view only news translations. Lastly, there is a miscellaneous section for songs she wrote that were performed by other artists, or songs that had no release on a single or album.

I do not accept submissions and I only post my own work here. Everything will eventually be updated so that all of the songs are up.

If you are a Ringo fan, please consider joining the Electric Mole Forums, where I’m an administrator.

Please enjoy and respect the rules!

21 thoughts on “椎名林檎 Ringo Shiina

  1. I really don’t mean to be rude, but I wanted to say that you had a beautiful site, so clean and easy to navigate, and now this blog is so confusing. It’s too bad the old site is not online anymore =/

    1. Hi, I’m sorry you feel that way, but it cost me $100 a year to keep that beautiful site online, money I just couldn’t keep paying anymore. I honestly think the category system is a better way to navigate. Please try to get used to it!

  2. I don´t mean to be rude also, but this is very confusing indeed. Maybe you could do something closer to the old template? Like, pics take you to the album page, and then you have the lyrics, just a sugestion. But thanks anyway for the translations.

    1. I can’t do pictures because 1) those use up bandwidth, which is not free for me anymore with no hosting; and 2) it takes time to resize images, and I decided to make this as easy on myself as possible.

      Maybe if people could elaborate on what exactly is so confusing, it would help. Right now it just seems like “it’s not what I’m used to!” But everything is organized by single and album name, which are listed in chronological order. So far, that’s exactly like the old site, there just aren’t any images. You click on the single or album you want, and all the songs from that single or album show up–and the post on top is the main post for that single/album, with links to every song on it. You click on the song title, or you find the song you want by scrolling through. Or, you use the search feature and type in the title and it shows up.

      I am really not sure what is so confusing about it.

      1. 1- when you click any link, everything related to the tag shows up, and also the image containing the translation for everything, making it long and confusing, maybe if it was just the title of the song linking to the lyric would be better.
        2- even tough the old site was similar to this one the navigation was different, you clicked on the cover image, and that would send you only to the lyrics from that, a lot more cleaner and simpler.
        3- Instead of using the tags to categorize maybe you could do something like a index page, when someone clicked on Shiina Ringo a single page with the complete list of works and the links to those works would appear, and instead of having to hunt what you want, with 3 clicks you would reach it, and that would not require images, just a simple table of contents.

        And now you will only post the translations? No more of the japanese romanized lyrics? And you´re still uploading stuff right? The old site had everything.

        I don´t mean to be a pain in the ass, really.

        1. I don’t think you’re using the categories correctly and clicking on the right things. You have to go to the right sidebar of the main page and click on the album/single title you want. Then a tracklist will come up and you can click on specific songs. If you just go to “albums” or “singles” then yeah, everything will come up.

          Most of the things you’ve recommended are more time-intensive manual labor. That’s one thing I’m trying to eliminate.

          I don’t care what the old site had. Sure, the old site was probably better. We can all agree on that. However, it was taking up too much of my time and money and was not going to be feasible to sustain indefinitely. This is. I mean, it’s as simple as that.

          In any case, all I have to say is: my site, my rules, my time, my way. If you don’t like it, you are welcome to go elsewhere.

          1. well, I really tried to adapt to this new site, but it’s impossible… I’m really sorry that I miss the cleanness from before, and the romanized lyrics were what i liked the best, I ALWAYS opened your site when listening to songs and sang along, and now that’s not possible anymore. Anyway, I’m not here to attack you or anything, but I think your final words were kind of rude and that made me see that it doesn’t matter if we are specific or not with what is so confusing, you will not change a thing. Good luck with this site!

        2. As someone who doesn’t understand Japanese, I related each song to an image… lol Maybe the reason people don’t like the new navigation is because it is text heavy and we are visual thinkers. I almost clicked out thinking it was a different website. Glad I kept reading! Anyway, it might be an matter of getting used to this. I am sure many will adjust. Thank you for your work all these years!

  3. I sympathize with your problems. The old site was a great resource and made it easier to get non-Japanese speakers to give Shiina a chance. It doesn’t seem to have been archived by the Wayback Machine. Tragic loss. I guess the KZK translations haven’t been re-posted yet as I cannot find them linked in the margin. But thank you for your past efforts, they were appreciated.

    1. Thanks! It’s not in the Wayback Machine because I specifically requested that it be removed/not added. I am going to put all the translations up again, only they will be entirely by me and much much much more accurate than ever. I did not want the old inaccurate translations to still be accessible. I think the new versions will be worth the wait, and the site will once again be a great resource to Ringo fans. This is not the end of my efforts.

  4. Whoa! Did you have Ringo interview translations on your old site? I love them! (: I’ve been a fan of your ringo stuff since middle school so thanks for keeping it up

    1. They were on this blog but not on the main site, glad you like them! Since middle school, oh gosh, I feel old now, haha. Thank you!!

  5. You’re last website was great but I understand if you couldn’t or didn’t want to pay to keep it online. Thank you though. You are doing a great thing. Especially for someone like me who loves shiina but can’t understand most of what she sings! Again thank you

  6. Hi,
    I’ve been learning japanese for quite a few years now, and listening to Shiina Ringo’s music. I discovered your fabulous site with the lyrics to her songs and the translations, and I just really needed to thank you for your hard work !
    You’re fantastic 🙂

  7. It’s a pain finding good translation sites, but this is cool! I’ve been getting into Shiina Ringo and this is beautiful.

  8. Hello and thank you for your hard work from a new Shiina Ringo fan! I’m looking forward to exploring this site and the E.M. forums! I came across Yumiko (it is her first name isn’t it? It’s difficult to find accurate english translated info…) a few months ago after discovering my (now) other fav band, Tricot.

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